Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Craftaluma Recap

Front, center view of my table. See more pix here

I vended my first ever craft show this past Sunday. It was so much fun and I met so many cool people, not to mention some of my fellow CCCOE teamsters.

Although a small event, there was a steady stream of people until about 3pm. There was live music and a raffle giveaway! (I won a book, Bazaar, Bizarre)!

Many thanks to my pal, Adrienne for helping tend the wares and styling my table!

Next one up is Renegade San Francisco, I have only 2 weeks to prepare! Yikes!


Anonymous said...

IT was a great show! Your stuff rocks!

Brenda said...

I didn't realize that was your first show! Your table is definitely that of a pro. Good luck at Renegade!!!